Vito Capozzo
Faces of Caregiving – Italy
Vito Capozzo lives in Sesto San Giovanni with his 87 year old mother, who is a former worker at large automotive company. Vito looks after his mother, who has experienced a visual impairment after a detached retina, and has also helped care for his grandmother, his uncle and then his father.
“Coming from a small family, when it came to dealing with the physical conditions and illnesses that come with old age, it was down to me to cope. I feel that in the circumstances, I did a good job!””
Vito and his mother have traveled as far as Switzerland to see specialists. In addition, his mother had hip surgery that has further severely limited her mobility.
“I consider myself fortunate that my mother has always been an active and independent woman and also very much a homemaker. She still does what she can to look after herself, but is a person who can no longer be alone.”
Vito works as an accountant for the Lombardy Region assessing requests for contributions and funding. His professional skills as an accountant have helped him to understand the laws and regulations governing the granting of concessions, contributions, paid leave and absences from work to look after a loved one.
With her pension and disability allowance Vito’s mother can afford a professional caregiver with whom she has developed a good relationship. When the caregiver cannot be there, Vito helps care for his mother.
“When your parents have given you everything, with so much love, this love must be returned.”
If you ask Vito’s mother about what her son she will simply answer, “There are very few like Vito.”
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