Caregiver training courses
Caregiving can be challenging. Anyone who has ever been an unpaid family caregiver or knows a caregiver understands just how overwhelming it can be to juggle everything from wading through the onslaught of information to figuring out what to do and how to do it, all while trying to manage your own life and commitments.
At times, it’s seemingly impossible. Oftentimes, carers find themselves in a position of managing new and potentially stressful situations they may not be prepared for at all, mentally, physically, or financially. Often this situation comes with little to no help – from health systems and family, alike.
But that’s not how it should be.
Caregivers deserve resources to help them navigate these complicated scenarios with confidence and know that they are not alone. That is why Embracing Carers® is collaborating with the Global Initiative on Ageing (GIA), a foundation supported by the United Nations, and Grupo Vértice, a leader in e-learning solutions, to provide trainings on critical skills for family caregivers.

This series of ten caregiver modules, with accompanying audiovisual components, provides professional instruction and guidance to help caregivers navigate difficult practical parts of caregiving, including nutrition and feeding, communication, social relationships, environmental adaption, and more.
The modules
We hope these modules bring caregivers confidence and knowledge, helping to ease some of the mental and emotional strain of the important work they do. Family and informal carers play a fundamental role in society and the fabric of patients’ lives, and they require support from all of us, at each and every step in their journey.

Feeding and nutrition techniques and commonly encountered issues
Topics covered: Techniques and safety measures for oral feeding; using nasogastric and gastronomy tubes; stool collection; disposing of waste; incontinence and use of catheters; hygiene management; understanding digestive problems that may arise.

Identifying communication and language problems
Conditions covered: Alzheimers, dementia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hearing and visual impairments.

Assisting with motivation and learning for elderly, disabled, and/or ill people
Topics covered: approaches to learning; cognitive learning processes; techniques and therapies to help with learning and motivation; memory, attention, orientation, and reasoning.

Understanding and encouraging positive social relationships and behaviours in those requiring care
Topics covered: factors that impact dependency; social skills; social relationship difficulties and conflict resolution; techniques to promote social relationships; using technology for positive social engagement.

Adapting and creating safe and comfortable environments
Topics covered: difficulties stemming from loss of motor control, decreased mobility, sight, and other physical and mental changes.

(new!) Daily Household Management and Planning
Conditions covered: daily household tasks; home administration; routine building; organization.

(new!) Supporting the development of positive habits and effective communication
Topics covered: fostering motivation and autonomy; building safe and comfortable home environments; developing social relationships; conflict resolution.

(new!) Applying proper mobilization and ambulation techniques to improve daily living
Conditions covered: assessing degree of dependence; mobilization and positioning techniques; mobility exercises; technical aids; safety measures; adapting home environments to foster autonomy.

(new!) Basic Budget Management Techniques and Food Preparation and Safety
Topics covered: budgeting; financial management and planning; food preparation and hygiene; maintaining sanitary conditions; kitchen fundamentals; foundations in nutrition; nutritional values; adapting nutrition to medical needs.

(new!) Understanding environmental risks and providing emergency support
Topics covered: emergency healthcare skills; risk assessment; safety proofing to create safer environments; accident prevention; electrical installations.
The GIA collaboration is intended to support the achievement of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing and Sustainable Development Goals by improving the standard of living, participation, and inclusion of the world’s aging population.
*All the modules featured are available in both English and Spanish and have the option to be completed for a certificate through the GIA. These courses and all content within are created by the Global Initiative on Ageing and do not reflect the opinions of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

“I returned to work six months after Matthew was born, however I had to take a step back from my leadership role as I was no longer able to commit the time needed to be successful and effective.”
Alf & Margaret Davies, Australia